
General News/Information

January 2024 Freezing Weather Event

South Marengo Water and Fire Protection Authority

January 18th, 2024 1:50pm


South Marengo Water – 334-295-5300

At 6:30 am on January 18th, 2024, the South Marengo Water and Fire Protection Authority issued a boil water advisory due to a loss of pressure in the water system. The loss of pressure in the system was caused by distribution leaks and customer leaks. Please note, that this issue is not unique to South Marengo, many water systems are experiencing issues due to the freezing weather.

Please do not call the office or call 911 to report a water outage or water pressure issues at this time. We are working on the issue as quickly as possible.

As a general guideline, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) requires a water system to issue a boil water advisory any time there is a loss of pressure, which does allow for a potential for bacterial growth in the system. This is a precautionary measure and will require the system pressure to stabilize. Bacteriological samples must be taken before the boil water advisory can be lifted.

Customers are requested to bring their water to a boil to for 3 minutes prior to eating or drinking. You are not required to bring your water to a boil for showering or other uses.

Currently, South Marengo is asking customers to be patient as we work to resolve the issue. This is a systematic issue affected multiple water systems in our area. As South Marengo is a purchase only system, it is dependent upon other systems for its source of water.  We are asking all of our customers to follow the guidance from ADEM and the Alabama Rural Water Association:

  • Drip, don’t run.
  • Stop dripping faucets after thaw/freezing temperatures aren’t the issue anymore.
  • If you have a water leak, please turn your meter off to prevent high bills and to help prevent unnecessary demand on the system.
  • If you need assistance with locating your meter or turning off your meter please contact 334-295-5300.
  • Please make sure your water line is buried, according to plumbing code frost line plus 6 inches, in this area that is at least 18inches deep also make sure your pipes are insulated.

Our team is working around the clock to resolve the issue, and we are working to provide a solution as soon as possible. This will take everyone working together to reduce usage and to allow the system to recover. We will provide further information once it is available. For frequent updates, we are updating our Facebook page as new information is available. 

2019 CCR

Request Copy

If you are a current utility customer and would like to receive a copy of our 2019 Consumer Confidence Report please Contact Us and one will be provided to you at no cost.

What is the CCR?

The CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) is an annual report about the water quality of our local public water system. It provides a detailed report of sample results that were taken during the previous year. It also provides you with contact information for those responsible for your water system. All public water systems are required to provide a CCR to their customers at least once per year.

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CCR Links

EPA Drinking Water

EPA Water Quality

EPA CCR Information for Consumers

EPA How to Read/Understand the CCR

Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) Reports

Alabama Rural Water Association